Premier HVAC Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

Is Your AC Use Hurting Its Efficiency?

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

One of the most common complaints we hear from homeowners is about how much it costs to actually use their air conditioners each summer. And we get it! Our air conditioners go through a lot of work each year and consume a lot of energy–in fact, HVAC systems account for about half of all the energy use in any given home, so naturally your utility bills will increase when summer rolls around.

So if you want to save money, is your only option to just stop using your air conditioner so much? Not at all! Actually the real answer here is to learn how to better use your cooling system. Curious? Read on to learn how you might be using your AC system inefficiently.

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Does Your AC Need Repairs?

Monday, May 25th, 2020

Now that summer is just around the corner, you want to be sure that your air conditioning system is in good working condition, which means taking care of any outstanding repairs. We understand that putting off your AC repairs until the end of summer might seem like it makes the most financial sense, but trust us, you’ll end up paying a lot more down the road!

However, many homeowners are unaware that they’ve even got a problem with their ACs. Below, we have listed some of the tell-tale signs of trouble for you! Keep reading to find out more.

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Don’t Delay Those AC Repairs!

Monday, April 27th, 2020

We get it—some things are worth waiting for. But trust us, air conditioning repairs are not one of them. After all, you depend on your air conditioner all day, every day to keep you cool and comfortable during the summer season, and of course, you wouldn’t want to jeopardize that.

When you’ve got trouble with your air conditioner, the last thing you want to do is wait until the end of the summer season to schedule your repairs. Sure, you might think that holding off is the best way to go, but trust us, you want to take care of those repairs ASAP! Here is why:

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Does Your Heat Pump Need Repairs?

Monday, September 16th, 2019

Up until now, your heat pump has been pretty reliable, so what the heck is going on? You didn’t see this coming!

Well, here’s the thing–your heat pump is going to require repairs every once and awhile (it’s quite normal!) Everyday wear and tear can lead to all sorts of trouble, especially if you haven’t yet scheduled maintenance services. So, what do you do?

Well, for one, it is important that you contact your local HVAC pros for AC repair in Shippensburg as soon as you recognize any sign of a problem. What are these signs? Keep reading below and we’ll tell you!

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Don’t Forget About These Late Season AC Repairs

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

Here’s the thing: summer isn’t quite over yet, which means that you’ll be using your air conditioner for just a bit longer. Of course, though, this leaves some room for error, and soon enough, you may find that your air conditioner needs some late season repairs.

We know this is unfortunate, but at the very least you can be prepared. Below, we have listed some of the most common late-season air conditioning repairs. That way you’ll know precisely when to call our team. All you’ve got to do is keep reading below to find out more.

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Your Ductless System Needs Repairs, Too!

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

Just because you own one of the most efficient and effective HVAC systems on the market today doesn’t mean that it is immune to repair problems. Yes, like any other HVAC system, your ductless AC is going to require repairs, too—and that’s okay! In fact, ductless systems come with their own set of unique repair needs, so if you own one of these systems, it’s best you be aware of them.

It is important to know the types of issues that you could run into with your ductless system, so below we have listed a few of them. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more. (And of course, remember to schedule your services with our team if you’ve got trouble on your hands.)

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Is Your AC Out of Whack?

Monday, July 8th, 2019

Now that summer is officially here, you want to be sure that your air conditioning is in good working condition… which means taking care of any outstanding repairs. We understand that putting off your AC repairs until the end of summer might seem like it makes the most financial sense, but trust, us, you’ll end up paying a lot more down the road!

However, many homeowners are unaware that they’ve even got a problem with their ACs, so below, we have listed some of the tell-tale signs of trouble for you! Keep reading to find out more.

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