Premier HVAC Services Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

5 AC Repairs That Can’t Wait

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Any air conditioning problems should always be considered a priority. Even the smallest air conditioner issue can lead to major problems down the road if you don’t address it now. But there are five air conditioning problems in particular that we encourage you to pay close attention to if you begin to notice them.

You can keep reading to learn more about five common AC repairs that need to be addressed sooner rather than later. Then give our team a call to schedule your AC repair in Waynesboro if you suspect any of these problems.

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What Are My Options For AC Installation?

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Upgrading an older air conditioner can be a very exciting project. After all, you know that you’re investing in a high-efficiency unit that is brand new and comes with a manufacturer’s warranty. You’ll have peace of mind for many years to come that your air conditioner can keep up with cooling your home.

But you want to make sure you partner with the right air conditioning contractor in Hagerstown for your AC upgrade. You can keep reading to learn more about the different options for residential air conditioning systems. Then give our team a call to schedule your income assessment where we can help you decide which option is the best choice for your home.

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Should I Repair or Replace My AC?

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

There comes a time when you really need to consider replacing your air conditioner because it is old enough that the costs of keeping it operational outweigh its ability to keep your home comfortable. You can always give our team a call for air conditioner repair in Chambersburg to see if there’s anything we can do to boost efficiency and keep your air conditioner running a little longer.

We can talk to you and review your options so you know where you stand between repair costs versus upgrading your older air conditioner. You can also keep reading to learn more about how you can know when to repair your air conditioner versus replacing it with a newer model.

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Should I Get Central AC or a Heat Pump?

Monday, May 6th, 2024

When it’s time to upgrade your home’s HVAC system, you may be wondering which is better, a central air conditioner or a heat pump. Each solution has its own unique pros and cons. It really comes down to your personal preference.

You can keep reading to learn more about both central air conditioners and heat pumps so that you can decide which one is right for your home and family. Then when you’re ready, you can give us a call for air conditioning installation in Hagerstown.

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What to Look For in an HVAC Contractor

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

When it’s time to schedule service your HVAC system or an upgrade, you want to make sure that you partner with the right technician. An HVAC contractor should have up-to-date licensing and certifications, the proper insurance, experience, and a great reputation.

You can keep reading to learn more about the four factors that are important to consider before selecting an HVAC contractor. If you’ve been searching for an HVAC contractor in Hagerstown, MD, you’re in the right place. You can give our team a call to schedule service for your HVAC system whenever you are ready.

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5 Spooky Sounds Your AC Shouldn’t Make

Monday, October 9th, 2023

Many of us are looking forward to the fall season and all of the fun activities that come along with it. However, spooky sounds coming from your air conditioner can really put a damper on festivities. There are some sounds that come from your air conditioner and are completely normal. Other sounds can be red flags that something major is wrong.

It’s important for you to be able to tell the difference between normal AC sounds and concerning AC sounds. That way you know when to give us a call to schedule air conditioning service in Shippensburg, PA. You can keep reading to learn more about five scary sounds that you don’t want to hear your air conditioner making.

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Should I Get a Late Season AC Tune-Up?

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Summer is winding down, with fall and winter just around the corner. You may be thinking more about your heater than you are about your air conditioner right now. However, now is the best time to schedule an AC tuneup before you shut the system off for the coming months.

If it’s been a while since you scheduled air conditioning service in Chambersburg, PA, give our team a call now to make your appointment. You can also keep reading to learn more about the benefits of a late-season AC tune-up compared to putting the service off until springtime.

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My Evaporator Coils Are Freezing Up. Now What?

Monday, August 14th, 2023

If the evaporator coils on your air conditioner are freezing up, that’s a bad sign. Ice inside of your air conditioner does not make your home cooler and can actually have the opposite effect. Frozen evaporator coils are always an AC emergency that you want to get addressed sooner rather than later.

And your first step should be giving us a call for AC repair in Chambersburg, PA. Our team can assess the situation, get down to the root cause of your frozen evaporator coils and fix the problem. Then we can offer tips for preventing this problem from happening again in the future. You can keep reading to learn more about why the evaporator coils in your air conditioner freeze. 

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Go Green With These Eco-Friendly AC Options

Monday, July 17th, 2023

Investing in a new air conditioner is a big decision. As you shop around for a new unit, going green may be at the top of your list. The good news is, technology has advanced leaps and bounds in recent years to make nearly all air conditioners much better for the environment.

But some are still better than others. If you’re interested in new air conditioning in Fairfield, PA, our team is here to help. You can keep reading to learn more about the eco-friendly air conditioning options that we recommend to our customers. Then give us a call to schedule your in-home assessment and we can make a recommendation based on your home’s unique needs.

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Don’t Put Off Getting These AC Repairs!

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

It’s easy to put off AC repairs. Your air conditioner begins to make an unusual sound and you have all the best intentions to call for service, but time gets away from you. Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months. 

But eventually, you will have to make an AC repair whether you like it or not, because the problem will reach its breaking point and your air conditioner will stop working completely.

You can avoid a complete breakdown by scheduling an appointment for AC repair in Chambersburg, PA while your air conditioner is still operating. Keep reading to learn more about AC problems that you want to get fixed sooner rather than later. 

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