Premier HVAC Services Blog: Archive for June, 2021

Should You Invest in Germicidal Lights for Air Purification?

Monday, June 21st, 2021

After a year of going through a pandemic, homeowners are aware now more than ever how important the quality of the air they breathe is. What you may not know is that, with the right indoor air quality products and services, you can greatly improve the quality of your indoor air.

Without the right products and services in place, your indoor air quality can actually be worse than that of outdoors!

While no product will 100% guarantee the lack of virus transmission in a home, something like germicidal lights, otherwise known as a UV air purifier, can certainly help lower the risk. Read on as we dive into what this type of air purifier is all about.

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AC Installation: Size Matters and Here’s Why

Monday, June 7th, 2021

Summer is just about officially upon us. If you haven’t already done so, now is a great time to ensure that your air conditioning system is equipped to handle the heat and keep you comfortable at an affordable price all summer long. Of course, this might mean you need to invest in a new air conditioning system altogether. If this is the case, you need to ensure that your new air conditioner is the right fit for your home—literally.

We get it—your instinct is probably to go out and buy the biggest, most powerful air conditioner your budget will allow. After all, that’s the way to guarantee it will work efficiently, right? Well, no, not quite. Not to worry though! We are here to guide you in making the right decision when it comes to your air conditioner. In addition to ensuring you have the proper size, we’ll let you know if we think a different type of air conditioner will benefit your home and family.

So, why does size matter so much? We’ve covered this below. Read on, and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.

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