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Serving Franklin and Washington Counties since 2012


Premier HVAC Services Blog

Have You Tuned-Up Your Heater Yet?


If you haven’t scheduled heating maintenance yet for this year, now is the perfect time. We always suggest that homeowners have this service done in the fall. The reason for this recommendation is that it’s right before you need your heater the most. Plus, it’s when HVAC professionals are a lot less likely to be out on emergency calls and other service calls.

But consistency is what matters most here. Regular maintenance will help ensure that your heating system operates as efficiently and effectively as it can for as long as it can. This way, you’ll know your heater is always ready to do its job! Read on as we dive into the importance of professional heater tune-ups.

“Do I Really Need Maintenance Every Year?”

Well, yes. Sure, it’s possible your heating system will make it through another fall and winter without a tune-up. But you can’t rely on it being as efficient or effective as you need it to be in that case. Maintenance is the best service you can invest in for your heater. When our professionals complete tune-ups and inspections, you’re left with a heater that:

  • Decreases your utility bills.
  • Has fewer repair and service needs.
  • Has a longer lifespan.

“What If My Heater Is Brand New?”

A brand new heating system definitely should have been inspected by the professionals who installed it before they left your home. So if that happened this year, then you’re probably okay not scheduling fall maintenance. But too many homeowners try to go 3–4 years between tune-ups and then find themselves disappointed by the performance of their heater.

But if it’s been a year or more since your heater was installed, it’s a good idea to have it professionally inspected. Your manufacturer’s warranty may require this. Plus, having a tune-up done will minimize wear and tear even more, reducing the chance of a sudden system breakdown.

“Is It Ever Too Early for Maintenance?”

No, not at all. As we said above, consistency is what matters most here. Comprehensive maintenance for your heater may reveal you need a repair, and addressing it sooner rather than later means preventing a domino effect of failing components inside your furnace or heat pump.

“But, Maintenance Is So Expensive…”

Actually, maintenance saves you money. First off, it helps prevent 85% of the repair needs an HVAC system may require during its lifecycle. This is because our technicians catch small repair needs before they turn into much bigger and costlier emergencies. By default, this helps you save money, plus…

We have a maintenance program! Our annual maintenance agreements afford customers all the benefits of a tune-up, plus lower utility bills and exclusive discounts on parts and labor. Also, maintenance helps your heater last longer—so you’re saving not only on repair costs but replacement costs as well.

With our maintenance program, you’ll have the peace of mind that we’ll always keep track of how your heater is doing, to make sure it’s as powerful, efficient, and safe as possible throughout the years.

Contact Premier HVAC Services today for quality Waynesboro, PA HVAC maintenance and more.

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