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Premier HVAC Services Blog

Does Your Electric Furnace Need Maintenance?


Effectively heating homes in our area is no easy task. You need not only a powerful heater, but also one that’s going to work efficiently and not leave you paying an arm and a leg for comfort.

Ensuring this is the case starts with hiring a professional technician for your furnace services, whether you have a gas-powered heater or an electric one.

That said, let’s address that maintenance question! A gas furnace has many components in it that you likely know could potentially become hazardous if not dealt with correctly, like the gas lines, pilot light, or heat exchanger. So, you probably know this system needs maintenance. But what if you have an electric furnace?

Well, then it still needs annual maintenance! Read on as we explain why.

Avoiding Trouble with Your Electric Furnace

A large concern that homeowners often have with gas-powered furnaces is that they could become hazardous, threatening homes with carbon monoxide leaks and combustion dangers. It’s pretty easy to see why it’s so important that a gas-powered furnace be professionally inspected on a routine basis.

Electric furnaces naturally have fewer safety concerns, since they don’t combust any kind of fuel that creates emission. This doesn’t mean gas furnaces are inherently unsafe, but electric furnaces automatically give you a sense of safety. However, there are still important components that could lead to dangers if not inspected in an electric furnace.

The majority of issues a furnace can suffer from in a gas or electric furnace are actually electrical in nature! This includes corroded wires or failed heating elements. Routine tune-ups allow our technicians to thoroughly check all the electrical components to find places where tightening and other adjustments are necessary to keep your electric furnace safe and reliable.

Protecting the Various Components of Your Electric Furnace

One of the most common electrical furnace problems is burned-out heating elements. The heating elements are the components inside your furnace that are actually responsible for heating up the air sent into your home by the blower fan. If one or more of these heating elements fail, your heater simply won’t be able to keep you as warm as its meant to.

Regardless of your furnace type, your system uses a blower fan and blower motor to move air into the ductwork. In most HVAC systems, the air conditioner and furnace actually share the same blower, so this component always needs attention after a summer of hard work in the air conditioner, before being used to supply your home with efficient heat in the winter.

The motor of the blower fan within your HVAC systems consumes a good deal of electricity, and can wear down to the point of burning out. Maintenance tune-ups allow our professionals to inspect the fan and motor closely, lubricating moving parts that help the motor continue to function without the extra strain that could cause it to fail.

For any type of professional service on your Fayetteville, PA electric furnace, look no further than Premier HVAC Services. Contact us today!

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