Premier HVAC Services Blog: Archive for August, 2022

Check for These Indicators Your AC Needs Repair

Monday, August 15th, 2022

Professional air conditioning repair is one of those services you really don’t want to delay when you need it. You might be really tempted to hold off–after all, if your system is still functioning and you feel some cold air, why bother spending the money on repairs, right?

Well, unfortunately, ignoring your repair needs like this can lead to risking your air conditioner completely breaking down right when you need it the most, right in the middle of summer.

We encourage our customers to take care of their air conditioning systems as soon as they realize they need a repair. But how do you know when this is the case? We ask this with the knowledge that you are not an air conditioning expert–that’s our job! But it is a good idea for you to know the basics, including signs that it is, in fact, time for you to call for professional AC repairs. Read on!

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“Why Should I Have AC Maintenance Done?”

Monday, August 1st, 2022

You’ve probably heard of maintenance before. If you drive a vehicle, you likely take it in for routine tune-ups on a regular basis–once it hits so many miles.

While you don’t have to worry about the mileage of an air conditioner, you do need to worry about how efficiently and effectively it’s going to work throughout its 10-15 useful service life.

We mention this useful service life because it’s only possible with routine, professional maintenance. Maintenance allows us to inspect, clean, and adjust anything necessary while alerting you to potential repair needs.

This service should be done at least once a year–twice if you have a year-round heat pump–and although we typically recommend AC tune-ups in the spring, it’s never too late to have it done. If you haven’t scheduled AC maintenance in the last year, now is the time to give us a call! In the meantime, read on as we uncover some of the biggest benefits of professional AC maintenance.

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