Premier HVAC Services Blog: Archive for July, 2022

AC Installation: Why Your System Needs to be Sized Correctly

Monday, July 18th, 2022

Think about your car…. how it runs, what’s required for it to get efficient gas mileage, what maintenance tasks make for a good, comfortable ride.

Now, what if you thought about your air conditioner the same way? Look, we get it–if you’re shopping for an air conditioner this time of the year, chances are you’re in a rush and ready to get a new cooling system right now.

As aggravating as it may be to not have a functional air conditioner during the peak of summer, it’s going to be even more frustrating to have your comfort and AC efficiency impacted by incorrect sizing upon installation. Read on to learn more, and when you are ready for installation, contact our team to get set up with the right system for your specific space and needs.

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What You Need to Know About Refrigerant Leaks

Monday, July 4th, 2022

There are a number of potential problems that your air conditioner can encounter throughout its lifespan, due to nothing more than natural wear and tear. One of these problems that could really put a damper on your comfort is refrigerant leaks.

A damaged and leaking refrigerant line is going to lead to refrigerant loss which will not only mean your air conditioner won’t be able to properly cool your home, but it can damage the compressor, too.

Read on as we uncover just how serious of a problem a refrigerant leak is, and how you can figure out you may be dealing with one.

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