Premier HVAC Services Blog: Archive for September, 2021

How Can a UV Air Purifier Benefit Your Home?

Monday, September 27th, 2021

Nobody likes to get sick, right? Unfortunately, the things that make us sick are typically too small to see or feel: viruses, bacteria, and other microscopic pathogens. These can all cause a wide range of problems for both our health and comfort.

Staying inside our homes seems like the most logical way to stay healthy these days, but unfortunately without the right indoor air quality products and services in place, your indoor air quality can actually be worse than the quality of the air outside. Maintaining great indoor air quality is critical, and it’s also very possible!

Perhaps you’ve already considered the installation of an air purifier such as UV germicidal lights, also referred to as UV lights or a UV air purifier. This system is effective at removing pathogens from your ductwork before they even have a chance to enter your indoor air. But would the installation of one be beneficial for your home? Read on to find out!

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It’s Time: Schedule That Heater Tune-Up Today—Here’s Why

Monday, September 13th, 2021

Chances are, you haven’t given a whole lot of thought to the state of your heating system lately, and we get it. Temperatures have been warm this year, and around here we tend to welcome those warm temperatures for as long as possible. Still, fall will be here before you know it, with winter shortly behind, and you’ll want to ensure that your heater is ready … by scheduling a maintenance tune-up.

Routine maintenance eliminates a lot of the stress homeowners would otherwise deal with. Read on to learn why you should schedule professional heating maintenance as soon as possible.

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