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Serving Franklin and Washington Counties since 2012


Premier HVAC Services Blog

Common Issues with Furnaces Late in the Heating Season

Your furnace has been working hard all fall and winter long. Winter is now coming to a close, and your furnace might be experiencing problems after a season of heavy use. There are a few common furnace issues we see late in the winter, and we are highlighting them below.

You can keep reading to learn more about some common furnace problems and the signs of each one. That way you can call us at the first sign of a furnace problem and schedule furnace repair in Chambersburg, PA sooner rather than later.


One of the most common problems we see in furnaces toward the end of the winter season is grinding. This happens when a lot of dust and dirt gets into the system and in between all of the small gears and components that work together inside your furnace. Dust and dirt particles dry up lubrication and create a sort of grime that prevents components from working together smoothly during operation. 

Our team can clean in between these components and then add additional lubrication so your furnace can be more efficient and effective. You may be tempted to put off a service appointment for grinding, but allowing your furnace to sit unused over the summer can make the grime even worse. It’s better to go ahead and address it now and clean out the system so that in the fall, your furnace is ready for another heating season.

Clogged Exhaust Vent

It’s very common toward the end of the furnace season for the outdoor exhaust vent to get clogged or blocked. We encourage you to check the exhaust vent at least once a month for any obstructions. If clogs develop anywhere in the exhaust vent, exhaust air can get trapped inside your home instead of blowing outside.

You can test exhaust vent airflow by going outside to your exhaust vent while your furnace is operating and holding your hand out to see if you feel airflow. If you don’t, try using a flashlight to look inside for any obstructions. If there’s something that you can safely clear away, do so and see if that makes a difference.

If the obstruction is further up where you cannot reach, you can give our team a call to come out and troubleshoot. If an exhaust fan blockage is ignored, exhaust air can get trapped inside your furnace and mix in with the clean air blowing out into your home. This can leave you with poor indoor air quality and even pose risks to your health since you’ll be breathing carbon monoxide fumes.

Pilot Light Problems

The area where your pilot light is located can get a buildup of dirt and grime very quickly. When you complete monthly homeowner maintenance, you can turn off your furnace completely, allowing it to cool down, and then wipe down the inside of the chamber where the pilot light is located. Keeping the chamber clean is a great way to ensure you don’t have ignition problems.

For example, your pilot light may begin to burn yellow or orange instead of bright blue. If your pilot light is ever any other color than blue, it’s a red flag that something is wrong inside your furnace. It’s also possible that the flame sensor is covered in grime and cannot operate the way it needs to for signaling when the flame should be on and off. 

To schedule your late-season furnace service, contact Premier HVAC Services today! Our team is ready to help.

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