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Premier HVAC Services Blog

Are Tankless Water Heaters Worth the Cost?

When it’s time to upgrade your water heater, there are a variety of options. Aside from choosing between tank and tankless, you can also choose different tank sizes and even having more than one tankless water heater installed to meet your needs.

The options can feel overwhelming, but our team can help answer your questions about water heaters in Chambersburg, PA. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about why a tankless water heater is a great investment for your home.

Cost Comparison

When it comes to choosing a water heater, cost is a major factor for many families. A tankless water heater can be more expensive to install upfront. However, it can also save you money over the life of the system when it comes to energy costs. Our team can help by giving you an idea of how much installation will cost for both a tank and tankless water heater so you have a clear idea of the cost difference. 

Then, we can help you estimate your energy savings so that you can make an educated decision about expense vs. savings. When it comes to tankless water heaters, you stand to save more over the life of the unit than the difference and upfront costs.


The greatest benefit of a tankless water heater is the nearly endless supply of hot water that it can provide. As long as there is water flowing into your home, a tankless water heater will provide heating. You won’t have to time your showers to make sure you get out before your tank of heated water runs out. You also won’t have to spread out activities that require hot water, like washing your dishes, washing your clothes, and taking baths or showers. You won’t run out of hot water doing these activities back to back. 

But it is also important to understand the potential downsides. While a tank of hot water does have a limited supply, it can also provide hot water at multiple sources without losing water pressure. A tankless water heater cannot do that. If you are washing dishes while someone else is taking a shower, you may notice lower water pressure in both places. Of course, there is a solution to that. Our team can install more than one tankless water heater in your home if you anticipate needing to use more hot water at once. 

Maintenance Considerations

You also want to account for water heater maintenance considerations. If your home has hard water, that can have a big effect on your tankless water heater. The lines are smaller than a more traditional tank water heater and so they can get clogged with mineral buildup faster. It is very important that you invest in annual maintenance for your tankless water heater to ensure that it stays in the best possible condition. Otherwise, minerals may corrode your tankless water heater and shorten its lifespan.

To schedule your tankless water heater service, contact Premier HVAC Services today!

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