Premier HVAC Services Blog: Archive for April, 2022

It’s Time for an AC Tune-Up: Here’s Why!

Monday, April 18th, 2022

You probably don’t think very much about air conditioning maintenance, but the truth is that it’s an absolutely essential service to keep your cooling system functioning as efficiently and effectively as possible.

For a conventional central air conditioning system, you should invest in this service once a year. If you have a heat pump model system, this means it goes through twice the work each year, and therefore needs twice the tune-ups–maintenance every 6 months.

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When It Makes Sense to Get an Electric Furnace

Monday, April 11th, 2022

When it comes to heating your home, there are a number of different options to choose from. And if you’ve always had a furnace, you may choose to stick with this great, powerful heating option.

But did you know that even if you’ve had a gas furnace all this time, you could transition to an electric furnace? This isn’t right for every home, but it could be an option for yours. Read on as we uncover the differences between a gas and electric furnace, and help you decide if it makes sense for your household to get an electric furnace system.

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